Friday, April 15, 2011



The first thing that utterly challenges our comprehension whenever we read texts of this nature, is the apparent of implied impossibility with accepting the reality that God is able to do the exceeding. This thinking brings into play the body and mind struggle which the believer contends with on every level of existence. Trying to agree with the ridiculous things of God, and His ability to perform more than I can ask or think, immediately sets at variance the struggle of the limitations of the body and the power of the mind. The struggle is with what I know about my physical limitations, and the superb ability of the mind to surpass what I know of myself and still be able to believe God can do more. So the struggle is knowing what I know about me, and still believing that God through the power of my mind, can do more for me than I previously thought or imagined.

When the writer says "Above all that we ask or think" he brings into play the greater philosophy of the working of the mind. The mind becomes central to following God and agreeing with His word. "The human mind is the most complex and mysterious power that God has ever released into the body". Paul shares "So then with the mind I myself serve the law of God, but with my flesh the law of sin" (Romans 7:25). Paul divides himself into two parts with two contrasting laws. He referst to "the mind" referring to the inward, inner man or renewed me, and "the flesh" referring to the outward man by which he deals with his carnality. The law of God written in the mind challenges the law of sin written into my members.

To rise above the limitation of my body, I must release the power and critical thinking and believing of the mind. Before I get to the next dimension I must release "Next Dimension" thinking which charts the path for Next Dimension behavior.

Believe yourself into the possibility of greater things and observe God releasing what is at the next dimension because you dared to believe there was more than you could see.

Until then!