Saturday, January 25, 2014

He's Got To Come Through Me!

Colossians 3:3 teaches "For ye are dead, and your life is hid with Christ in God". 
* God has established the right to possess ownership of our lives since He salvaged us through the work of Calvary and the victory of the grace
* Salvation produces the life which I have and ever want to have
* God paid the ransom for our lives and has ultimately saved us from the penalties of sin
* He also saved us from our self our most notable enemy from within
* There are many external enemies but ultimately one internal!
* The only person who can destroy you is you with very little effort from anyone else
* The enemy can't come into our lives or experience unless we open the door! 
* Salvation from sin results in us no longer possessing the appetite to open the door
* The closer you move towards God through consecration and prayer the devil notices you!
Grace covers us while we are working out our salvation experience
* Paul makes it clear that its through grace by faith that we are saved! Its the gift of God!  Dont take credit...all you did was believe! 
When it looks like its getting the grace of God its really getting better!
* There is a difference between where you were and who you are becoming
* This is the attitude that you must take..what God has brought you to far better that where He has brought you from
* Whatever it takes we are going to make it..we do not operate by what we see but by what God said!
* If my people who are called by my name will humble themselves! God is changing and doing a new thing in you
* The old nature is gone and now I am a new creature..I am persuaded that God will keep me!
* We live in victory and walk in victory
* In Judges 7 God is testing the people!
* You have what it takes...I can do all things through Christ Jesus!
* For the enemy to make any advances in our life he must attack where we are vulnerable
* To attack means to pursue us directly which God has made improbable by placing our lives in His existence
* To get to us the adversary must deal with Christ and God in that order
* It is a foregone conclusion that the adversary cannot overcome either of these levels so we are protected through relationship!

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