Thursday, May 29, 2014


The power to discover who you are begins and ends in the revelation of God in our lives. When we are born in Him we can identify the purpose and destiny of our lives!

  • DAY 6 -  You are on your way to a better day! Always work on you!
  • Acknowledge that there are two world systems and have dominion over yourself (over your flesh) Romans 12:1-3
  • King James Version (KJV)
  • 12 I beseech you therefore, brethren, by the mercies of God, that ye present your bodies a living sacrifice, holy, acceptable unto God, which is your reasonable service.
  • 2 And be not conformed to this world: but be ye transformed by the renewing of your mind, that ye may prove what is that good, and acceptable, and perfect, will of God.
  • 3 For I say, through the grace given unto me, to every man that is among you, not to think of himself more highly than he ought to think; but to think soberly, according as God hath dealt to every man the measure of faith.
  • Feed the mind with the word of God and you will become great; feed your flesh with trash and you will become full of carnality. You must have the infilling of the holy ghost. The holy ghost that will challenge you to live righteous, even when you fall!
  • Before you have dominion over anything, have dominion over your salvation!
  • This is how you get successful:
1.Get in the word now and stop procrastinating or putting things off in your life.
Do it when you think it!
2. Target your weakness
3. Pray about your shortcomings
4. Avoid thinking failure is Final
5. Make weakness your goal, actively pray about it
  • Genesis 1:24-26 speaks on the image and likeness of God
  • Genesis 1:24-26
  • King James Version (KJV)
  • 24 And God said, Let the earth bring forth the living creature after his kind, cattle, and creeping thing, and beast of the earth after his kind: and it was so.
  • 25 And God made the beast of the earth after his kind, and cattle after their kind, and every thing that creepeth upon the earth after his kind: and God saw that it was good.
  • 26 And God said, Let us make man in our image, after our likeness: and let them have dominion over the fish of the sea, and over the fowl of the air, and over the cattle, and over all the earth, and over every creeping thing that creeps upon the earth.
 Be secure and confident about the pattern that you are following…...Psalm 37: 23 The steps of a good man are ordered by the Lord.

  • God talks about us being made in the image and likeness of himself! You must know where you come from to find out where you are going!
 Realize and know that you have been personally handmade by God
  • This is the distinction between you and the rest of creation. Notice that human beings are the only creature who God breathed his own breath into! God took time to breath in you, that should give you a different appreciation for life.
  • If God is living, he expects you to live as well. God’s breath is the only things that separates you from cattle and the file of the air. You have   been personally touched and created in the Image and Likeness of the creator! So God intends you to have a different level of authority and live while existing!
 If you are to find out who you are- First trace who God is. We all have traits like our parents and the same is true in the supernatural! We all have traits that come directly from God the father!

  • See God did not come down and breath into man for the purpose of us being less than! You must walk and not faint along this journey of discovering or finding God. That is the premise of our relationship with God!

  • There are so many things and questions that need to be resolved, but the only way these questions can be answered is for us to Go back to the beginning!
  • If we are made in God’s image, We have to search and seek God Out for ourselves!

  • We are God’s personal touch and every time the enemy says different we must read Genesis 2:7

  • There are 2 principles we must focus on- Man was formed from the ground, so apart of us belongs to the ground; but the thing that really makes us who we are is the fact that God has breathed the breath of life in our very souls. Until God breathed into you, you can be in existence but not really living.
  • Adam and Eve and Death- they still functioned in their bodies even though the spirit of God left their bodies. The most important part is not what we see, but the parts that are unseen.
  • Many people relate to the dust in you, but not your destiny. Within humanity you are still designed to be greater; this is why the believer still struggles, because we are still mandated to deal with struggles and flesh pains. Thus even with this revelation,  We are still demanded to follow the rules of the word and not the rules of the world.
  • We have to understand and learn how to deal with a Dual nature
  • We need to follow the instructions for our life and realize that  every pain has a specific purpose.
  • The instructions for your life is found on the BIBLE….Basic Instructions Before Leaving Earth.
  • We are from the earth but also have traces of Heaven in our DNA……..that’s why most of us are battling with pleasing the flesh and spirit!
  • What day did God make man? Gen 1:27 On the sixth day. Man was the last thing God created. God did all the work on days 1-6. The number 7 is the number of maturity, perfection, completeness.
  • See you can be grown and not have the maturity of a man. God made us one day short of perfection.
  • We are in our sixth day, but our journey is helping us make it to the 7th day!
  • That’s why it does not matter how holy or perfect you are, you still have day  6 to deal with in us (6 meaning incomplete). As much as we strive, we have not yet attained.
  • If we were born in the likeness and image of God, why do we still have to deal with sin? Read John 8 (women caught in adultery, but still pressing toward the mark) Jesus knew she had day 6 in her but her accusers still had day six in them yet had not been caught in their day six.
  • We are trying to get to the image of God while still dealing with the dust of the earth!
  • Romans 7:8 It’s the Holy Spirit who has to tell your human spirit to get in check and stay in line.
  • No 12 step program will work for your flesh, it takes the blood of Jesus to cure your flesh problem.
  • Adam and Eve made mistakes because they stopped listening to God. One misplaced word, can change the meaning of everything. Perception changes everything! Eve took the first bit and God said she was going to die. Did she really die? She was alive in the flesh but died in her spiritual relationship with God. The enemy tricked Eve. When God called them, they were afraid so they knew they were in error. Stan changed one word and caused then to become victim to doubt, sin, shame, nakedness and the works of their flesh!
  • We are in trouble when we stop living in the word of God.
  • Find out what God wants and desires of you.
  • Serve God through the word and your relationship with him, not from your relationship with others.
  • Eve and Adam teaches us that you can still function and not be in relationship with God. Adam and Eve were Alive but spiritually dead. We must learn to stay in relationship with God.
  • Don't misunderstand the grace of God and the favor of God. Grace will sustain you but not promote you!
  • How do we hear God? Through his holy word. God arrests us through his word.
  • God has to embarrass you sometimes to get you in check, God uses our experience to guide us to change. Experience or embarrassment sharpens you
  • Adam and Even stopped listening to God. In their relationship with God, they stopped listening to God and started listening to the enemy. They entertained a carnal conversation.
  • When you are out of your word you are out of order. David said God’s Word is a lamp unto our feet and light unto our path
  • Sometimes we can miss our moment if we don’t react to what God commands.
  • All people have a material side and an Immaterial side (Body Side and spirit Side)
  • So many things go on in our flesh that we try to reason out with God- Stop because it’s not going to work!
  • Research shows that people have five personality traits
  • Make sure God’s image is always seen through us, make sure you know what;s in your flesh. investigate what’s in your flesh that keeps  tripping you up.
  • God deals with us spirit to spirit, not with our personalities or by our flesh
  • Always remember to include God in EVERYTHING! We love God for who he is not what he gives to us.
 God says that In spite of your earthiness and dust you are still  marvelous. Find people who see through your dust and don’t judge people by their flesh.

 A change has got to come now. What ever you are struggling with make it your prayer goal. James 1:5……...If any man lacks wisdom ask God. Pray about weaknesses and not the strengths.
  • God changes our thinking before anything else changes… not conformed through the world, but by the word be transformed  through the renewing of your mind. This is accomplished by ridding ourselves of the world within us and taking in the word of God!

Tuesday, May 20, 2014



As believers we tend to make professions without having the proper tools to help us reach a finish result. We find our greatest example of this in the book of Matthew. Observe Peters promise to the Lord in Matthew 26:35, and what he was actually able to deliver in Matthew 74! Many times we are not equipped to follow through, but God grants grace and does not disqualify our inability to follow through! That is why it’s important to identify the hindrances in our lives that keep us from attaining goals that we set.

Mat 26:32-35 NKJV But after I have been raised, I will go before you to Galilee." (33) Peter answered and said to Him, "Even if all are made to stumble because of You, I will never be made to stumble." (34) Jesus said to him, "Assuredly, I say to you that this night, before the rooster crows, you will deny Me three times." (35) Peter said to Him, "Even if I have to die with You, I will not deny You!" And so said all the disciples....

Mat 26:69-74 NKJV Now Peter sat outside in the courtyard. And a servant girl came to him, saying, "You also were with Jesus of Galilee." (70) But he denied it before them all, saying, "I do not know what you are saying." (71) And when he had gone out to the gateway, another girl saw him and said to those who were there, "This fellow also was with Jesus of Nazareth." (72) But again he denied with an oath, "I do not know the Man!" (73) And a little later those who stood by came up and said to Peter, "Surely you also are one of them, for your speech betrays you." (74) Then he began to curse and swear, saying, "I do not know the Man!" Immediately a rooster crowed.

Matthew 16: 13-20 When Jesus came into the coasts of Caesarea Philippi, he asked his disciples, saying, Whom do men say that I the Son of man am? 14 And they said, Some say that thou art John the Baptist: some, Elias; and others, Jeremias, or one of the prophets.15 He saith unto them, But whom say ye that I am? 16 And Simon Peter answered and said, Thou art the Christ, the Son of the living God.  17 And Jesus answered and said unto him, Blessed art thou, Simon Barjona: for flesh and blood hath not revealed it unto thee, but my Father which is in heaven.

Jesus called and ordained all types of people, note how he did not discriminate or choose individuals based upon their social status, occupation or rumors; Jesus were drawn to people who had a pure heart and were eager to learn. Jesus selected us despite our downfalls and shortcomings, but because of our desire to be used for his glory! God will use you where ever your lot finds you in life! God is so wise and all knowing- He does not have to redevelop you.

in the teaching business, God is so sovereign that he teaches us about our gifting  through our talents, skill sets and giftings in life! Being used by God does not require you to change what you are attracted to; for example if you are a teacher, giver, banker or realtor, GOD will utilize these same secular giftings in the kingdom for his glory!

Understand that you are actively housing the gifts and talents of God…..some gifts are in the fetus, infant, and toddler stage. All God requires is that you endure your season of growth and don't abort the process! Just as a baby grows and transforms through the developmental process, we too must allow God to grow our gifts and talents. The process will not be easy, but It will be worth the pain!

It’s ironic how many of us can see the greatness in others but overlook greatness in ourselves…….It’s time to acknowledge who you are in God and how important your calling is! Everyone knows how wonderful you are in the Lord but you! It’s time to know who you are and stand firm in that revelation!


Psalm 8: 1-4 King James Version (KJV) O Lord, our Lord, how excellent is thy name in all the earth! who hast set thy glory above the heavens. 2 Out of the mouth of babes and sucklings hast thou ordained strength because of thine enemies, that thou mightest still the enemy and the avenger. 3 When I consider thy heavens, the work of thy fingers, the moon and the stars, which thou hast ordained; 4 What is man, that thou art mindful of him? and the son of man, that thou visitest him?

David said I noticed how wonderful and loving God is to a disobedient and self righteous generation; he stopped and observed God in all his majesty and  creativity. Every day there should be that  “God moment” in our lives, where we stop and observe God in all his unfailing mercy and favor!

Psalms 8:4 David said what is man that they are not even mindful of God’s goodness. David acknowledged that something went wrong with man, he is perplexed by God’s ability to deal with  an unstable generation, yet be so faithful. David inquired why God continues to deal with men who do not understand purpose! After all, the moon does not search for purpose, the sun and stars shine faithfully….. Why is it that man is always search and seeking destiny and Life's  purpose, when all creation know their purpose?

The answer to this question  is that man is on an evolving journey. The son of men are the only ones not walking in total understanding and therefore are continually asking God to reveal his wonder for our lives. For we are constantly in a state of battle, unlike any other creature or element in this earthly realm.. 1 Corinthians 1:12 For now we see through a glass, darkly; but then face to face: now I know in part; but then shall I know even as also I am known. There is glory yet to be revealed and it's not always seen or apparent to the believer, but in time, it will be manifest.

1 John 3:2 Beloved, now are we the sons of God, and it doth not yet appear what we shall be: but we know that, when he shall appear, we shall be like him; for we shall see him as he is. We are on a journey that’s why its dangerous for people to put labels or define you. Only God can define who we are because Its his process of transformation we are in!

Jesus is the only person who ever identified who he was before he actually lived his life. People have to see you live first before they understand or acknowledge who you are.. Man judges by the external…...but God reads our hearts, he judges our intentions not our failures. Get around people who deal with you by your spirit and not your flesh. People who see you at your greatest while you're at your worst! Now are you the sons of God, but it doth not yet appear what we shall be or what shall be revealed to you…..

Isaiah 53: reads like the obituary of Jesus Christ...most times you don't write an obituary until after someone dies. Isaiah was an old Testament prophet who had insight about Jesus Christ beforehand; therefore if Jesus life was mapped out before he was born, how much more our lives?

Jesus teaches us that even though he knew what his end would be, he still had to work things out in his flesh….he had to walk through his issues……..Things may be challenging your glory but you still have to endure…Remember, your flesh is the guest house and your spirit is the guest.


Psalm 37:23-24  The steps of a good man are ordered by the Lord: and he delighteth in his way. 24 Though he fall, he shall not be utterly cast down: for the Lord upholdeth him with his hand. People will either handle you by sight or faith……..find people who have a faith relationship with you. This is the difference: Sight says, when you mess up you get dropped like a hot potato…….. Faith says, a righteous man falls seven times yet gets back up…..Though he fall……….many people struggle with the concept of how a righteous man could be walking with God yet fall……….in fact the sight person says you never had a relationship with God….but the faith person says you're still ordained, even though you're challenged. The call does not leave because you walk away from God,the call is without repentance.


The call is a part of the Fall!!!! 2 Corinthians 4:7-11 But we have this treasure in earthen vessels, that the excellency of the power may be of God, and not of us. 8 We are troubled on every side, yet not distressed; we are perplexed, but not in despair; 9 Persecuted, but not forsaken; cast down, but not destroyed; 10 Always bearing about in the body the dying of the Lord Jesus, that the life also of Jesus might be made manifest in our body. 11 For we which live are always delivered unto death for Jesus' sake, that the life also of Jesus might be made manifest in our mortal flesh. The call is a part of the fall…..get back up again...the scriptures work when you believe and don't believe. Know who you are in God, even when you are not behaving or making Godly decisions.

1.       Through the circumstances of Life. Life develops you! This is how people learn……….we praise God in the church but we don't practice God in the church………….the test is to maintain God and your belief in God when you are outside of church
2.       You learn God in failure…….failure is used to practice God………sometimes you have to take dominion or authority over your outer man or spirit man…..You learn your identity through failure and testing……….church is the book knowledge but without the Final Exam (being in the world) the information is not applied.
3.      learn God in disappointment……… learn patience by being denied through public embarrassment…….you don't know who you are until you move from the positive church environment to the cold, real world!

God is failed when we neglect to live up to our identity. In all these things Job did not charge God foolishly. Job held onto his integrity!

Mat 16: 13 Jesus asked them a question ….When Jesus came into the coasts of Caesarea Philippi, he asked his disciples, saying, Whom do men say that I the Son of man am? After being invested in you, Jesus wanted to ensure you know who he is.

Surface level- Who do men say I am, What have you heard about me? Some people just go by what they heard about you. This question represents worldly knowledge and you can’t have a relationship with God through people because you will more than likely buy into their misconceptions or views! You have to have a personal relationship with God and experience him for yourself.

Mat 16:14 And they said, Some say that thou art John the Baptist: some, Elias; and others, Jeremias, or one of the prophets. The Disciples said some say….. notice that there was so much class participation when the disciples answered this question (JESUS did not spend much time with this question).

Mat 16: 15 BUT WHOM SAY YE THAT I AM………… we must have a relationship with God for ourselves. notice the difference, in verse 14 we don’t see a real relationship but in Chapter 15, identity comes out, true fellowship is revealed! We see a foundational relationship!

The bible should drive the church and the word is what should also be driving us because it’s bread and meat for those who partake! Just because we are in the presence of God does not mean or signify that you know God….this is revealed in the passage. The only person who spoke up was the big mouth person, Peter! Peter was only 1 out of 12…..yet he was the only one who could  answer the question. We should be striving and it should be our goal to answer that question. Because  Peter  was brave enough  to open his mouth, God dared to use him! Open your mouth and let God speak through you!

In verse 17 Jesus  is not addressing the 11 disciples  but people who can reveal  and walk in understanding of who he really is. Jesus identity with people who identify with him! Identity is defined as who you hang with. You must Identity with Christ before you can  identify with self or others…..Acts 17: 28  In him we live and move have our being. It is only in GOD that we are revealed……...We must stay in God or risk the chances of having a distorted view!

These are the things that hinder the believer:
1.       Lack of belief...we are called not by vote but God’s election
2.       No motivation…….many people never carry things through

3.      Thinking OR VIEWING failure as a final destination…most times we must  struggle to  reach our  identity…... people  learn more through the left side than the right side….left side is outside the will of God the father……..the right side is walking, living and dwelling inside the will of God!