Monday, March 16, 2015


Peter and John in Acts chapter 3 were on their way to the Temple for regular and routine worship. Their plans were interrupted by a man with a need. It's funny how God will disrupt our habits and traditions to make us face the real reason we go to of which is to notice that the people who should be in our churches are not even there! This lame man had been brought to sit at the gate beautiful out of habit. Peter and John meet him on the way to the temple out of habit! It's about time our habits talk! The lame man asked for alms...his usual request. Peter replied "Silver and gold have I none!"..his usual response. Rather than continuing his walk to the Temple Peter breaks from his usual response and realized what this man was asking for was less than what he needed and more than what Peter anticipated. Something has got to break our beloved traditions...our rhythums...our proclivities and propensities! God will always use the usual and ordinary moments in our lives to unveil the unusual..extraordinary and miraculous. Instead of alms the man received a future..let God give you something unusual in our usual and casual day...expect it!

Friday, March 13, 2015


The two greatest segments of preparation that leadership or individuals must navigate is CHANGE and CHALLENGE. In an ever transforming and shifting world the ability to understand these two requirements remain crucial. I have always thought that change was a negative thing. Think about whenever someone has stated that you have changed. The first impulse is to defend the fact that you have not changed. Change means growth...that's a positive. Change means movement and positive advancement. Without the right attitude and mentality you may misinterpret change as working against you rather than working for you!. Anything that is alive in God's universe must grow..expand out live past levels or expectations. When you embrace change it opens the door to a greater and more complete you! The way that God encourages us to change is through CHALLENGE!  James teaches that it is the trying or frustration of our faith that works patience. God uses many disconnected strategies to push our faith. When God pushes do not push back..push on to your knew level. Ask yourself honestly today what is God working on and in you?  1 Samuel 17 is classic! David when delivering lunch to his brothers stumbles on a moment and opportunity that immediately challenges him. Without the taunting of the uncircumcised Philistine..Goliath the opportunity to rise to the leadership of Israel would not have presented itself. Do not ignore the opportunities that God presents for CHANGE and CHALLENGE..ALECHEIM shalom..unto you peace!

Thursday, March 12, 2015


Never let it be said that God does not have a plan! The census or numbering that God instructed Moses to perform was for several reasons. Obviously to establish and document the military might of Israel because now they are in transition...meaning out of Egypt and in the wilderness...other opposition not Pharaoh would be their challenge. However it was not the fighting power of Israel that would secure their march..into the Promised Land. ..but obedience and confidence in God. Numbers teaches us that even in transition in the wilderness things can go horribly wrong if the reverence of God is not the focus. This could be the difference between an 11 day or 40 year journey!
Israel followed Moses but they were also assured by the presence of God as a pillar of cloud by day and a pillar of fire by night. Natural and supernatural confidence. Wherever the cloud settled that's where Israel settled. Oh to follow God like that!

Saturday, March 7, 2015


Ask and you shall and you shall find. .knock and the door shall be opened. Matthew 7:7 reveals the principle that governs every universal issue. However the applied principle is in Matt 7:8 for it is to the one that persistently asks..seeks and knocks that tangible things are produced.  The reason why the persistence is necessary because for every open door there is a window of time in which the opportunity exists. Walk through the door by walking in the window of purpose.

Thursday, March 5, 2015


Our church has been studying THROUGH THE BIBLE taking a cursory review of each book of the Bible with the view of establishing a complete scriptural foundation to strengthen our reliance on the power of His word in our lives. Our time in GENESIS was fruitful expanding our understanding that we should not sell ourselves short with what God has provided. Adam was directed to tend and work in the garden of Eden but was commanded to be friutful..replenish..take dominion and subdue the earth. Dominion expands our understanding that the jurisdiction was for Kingdom rulership..and not garden management! Our time in EXODUS reveals that even after 430 years of enslavement with generations being born into a non-free..environment there were those who would not accept that their circumstances did not match the ability and power of their Jehovah!..Someone understood it was time to get out and the cry for freedom led to the rise of the greatest leader of Old Testament history..Moses!. Our time in LEVITICUS brings us into how God really does desire to create opportunities for his people to return to fellowship through sacrifice. If it does not cost you something it is not sacrifice..the investment of sacrifice creates the path for atonement and release!. The Burnt Offering. .Meal Offering..Peace Offering..Sin offering and Trespass Offering are all ways back to God..God's religious law serves to guide us in the pathway of reconciliation and redemption..if He did not love us..why would he show us the doors to return to Him!..Follow our study on Tuesdays @ 700PM in Baltimore. .and Wednesdays @ 700PM in .ALECHEIM..SHALOM..unto you be PEACE!

Sunday, March 1, 2015


There is a time and a season for every purpose!. The one entity that challenges all of us is the tactical management of time. It is the one thing that we cannot control. Since it cannot be controlled it must be respected. Time respects no one yet demands the utmost respect. What we do with it and how we spend it is remarkable.  It's amazing that time can be lost..thrown away..ignored...idled away and yet the opportunity still remains to make up for all that has been wasted. God still uses the time issue to prepare you for seasons of more effectiveness and accomplishment. Even when missed. .God still allows us to reach our destiny with the time we have late in time and be on schedule by purpose!