Thursday, June 2, 2011


"Wherefore seeing we also are compassed about with so great a cloud of witnesses, let us lay aside every weight...." (Hebrews 12:1-2)

Paul deals with "patience" when he deals with the Hebrew believers because he is ultimately urging them to possess a "steady confidence" in God. He understands that the plague of all humanity is the issue of consistency and persistence and until a rhythum of belief and faith is reached, the believer will always be doubting the progress they are making.

Steady describes the master workman who has to keep his composure while completing his most delicate and intricate work. We are completing the most vital phases of our lives and must continue to be vigilant against everything that comes against us.

The race that we are in, we are in to win! Patience, Paul describes is like a badge worn by the faithful that have proved steady wins the race. All of us are running in this "faith walk" but what gives us the confidence that we will win. The race has a clear beginning and end with Jesus Christ the author and finisher of it. He is at the start line while at the finish line knowing you will finish what He has started.

Here we are running in the stadium and the Hebrew write describes the "great cloud of witnesses" who have already run and completed the race. The reason we have to finish is because they are pushing us to greater confidence each step we make. Witnesses like Job and Joseph watching our progress to the finish line. They are not only in the stands but they are also at the finish line cheering us home.

Got To Finish!
Until then!

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