Thursday, February 27, 2014


This Year 2014 is hailed as our year of "GREAT SUCCESS". These are the statements that are challenging us in this season!

"Where there is no challenge there is no change"

"If it doesn't challenge you it doesn't change you"

"A ministry of EXCELLENCE requires a mentality of EXCELLENCE!"

We are following the success strategies outline in Joshua chapter 1.

1. Be strong and very courageous
* Opt not to buy into the fear process
* Take the risk and trust God in every situation
* Write a hope list..give your faith something to aim for
* Your courage will absolutely show up when your crisis shows up
* God releases situations in our lives to connect us to the power that is already in us
* When God transforms your will transform your situation. The situation will not change until your mind changes. Mind first then circumstance!
* There are gifts within us that God must wake up by our situations..the storm will throw you around into your gifting
* You do not need everyone on board to get to the level of God. Of the 12 spies only Joshua and Caleb had a favorable response and inferred their faith into the hearts of the remaining 10 by declaring 'We are well able to possess it!"
* Speak your greatness, strength and courage
* If you declare it (Job 22)..God will establish it

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