Sunday, November 23, 2014


In Mark chapter 2 Jesus attends a meeting that draws His usual crowd.It was standing room only because those that had a need brought those needs to Christ. A man sick with the palsy was carried by persons with faith believing that he could be healed. There are times in our lives when the faith of others has to carry us until we build the faith to walk on our own.There was no way into the house where Jesus was teaching. The persons who carried the sick man did not just have faith...they had radical faith. Instead of giving up on the notion of gaining access they turned their attention to the roof. Faith will always find unconventional and unrealized opportunities to see the results of the future. They broke up the roof while carrying the bed with the sick man and putting him in place. They lowered hin down through the roof. When Jesus saw their effort He admired their radical faith...they stopped at nothing to bring the man to the radical Christ. Naturally the man with the palsy was healed as a result of radical faith which releases radical favor. Make sure there are people in your life that can push you to take the risks necessary to release your miracle. Take the roof off today!

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